selected publications
- Enhanced Antioxidant Activity and Secondary Metabolite Production in Tartary Buckwheat under Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)-Induced Drought Stress during Germination 2024
- Assessment and assortment of tomato genotypes against salinity at vegetative stage. Asian Journal of Agriculture and Biology. 2022
- Cattle manure compost and biochar supplementation improve growth of Onobrychis viciifolia in coal-mined spoils under water stress conditions 2022
- Data describing the eco-physiological responses of Elaeagnus angustifolia grown under contrasting regime of water and fertilizer in coal-mined spoils. Data in Brief. 2022
- Estimating the optimum dose of nitrogen fertilizer with climatic conditions on improving Boro rice (Oryza sativa) yield using DSSAT-Rice crop model 2022
- Evaluating the Impact of Ecological Property Rights to Trigger Farmers’ Investment Behavior—An Example of Confluence Area of Heihe Reservoir, Shaanxi, China. Land. 2022
- Evaluating the Impact of Forest Tenure Reform on Farmers’ Investment in Public Welfare Forest Areas: A Case Study of Gansu Province, China. Land. 2022
- Exploration of Distinct Physiological and Biochemical Alterations in Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under Varying Organic Materials, Drought and Proline Application 2022
- Low seed rate in square planting arrangement has neutral or positive effect on grain yield and improves grain nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in wheat 2022
- Nutrient Release from Vermicompost under Anaerobic Conditions in Two Contrasting Soils of Bangladesh and Its Effect on Wetland Rice Crop. Agriculture (Switzerland). 2022
- The Evaluation of Temporal and Spatial Trends of Global Warming and Extreme Ocean Surface Temperatures: A Case Study of Canada 2022
- The PGPR Mechanisms of Salt Stress Adaptation and Plant Growth Promotion 2022
- Character association and path analysis studies in upland rice (Oryza sativa) genotypes 2021
- Determinants of farmers’ confidence in agricultural production recovery during the early phases of the covid-19 pandemic in China. Agriculture (Switzerland). 2021
- Evaluation of farmers’ ecological cognition in responses to specialty orchard fruit planting behavior: Evidence in shaanxi and ningxia, china. Agriculture (Switzerland). 2021
- Morphological variability and genetic diversity of Aman rice germplasm of Bangladesh cultivated in Mymensingh region. Plant Science today. 2021
- Potential and challenges of organic agriculture in Bangladesh: a review. Journal of Crop Improvement. 2021
- Selection of Drought Tolerant High Yielding Chickpea Genotypes based on Field Performance and Genetic Variation in Bangladesh 2021
- The Modulation of Water, Nitrogen, and Phosphorous Supply for Growth Optimization of the Evergreen Shrubs Ammopiptanthus mongolicus for Revegetation Purpose 2021
- Optimization of stocking density and mixture ratio of tilapia and carp in rice-fish culture for higher bio-economic efficiency 2020
- Effect of level of irrigation and nitrogen rate on yield performance of late sown wheat. Progressive Agriculture. 29:213-220. 2018
- Effects of mulching on growth and yield components of selected varieties of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under field condition 2018
- Physiological responses of high-yielding rice cultivars to elevated nitrogen levels 2018
- Employment generation, increasing productivity and improving food security through farming systems technologies in the Monga regions of Bangladesh. Annual research & review in biology. 2017
- Performance of wheat, barley and triticale as influenced by irrigation levels and terminal heat stress - 2016
- Genetic dissection of grain size and grain number trade-offs in CIMMYT wheat germplasm.. PLOS ONE. 2015
- Integration of cultural and chemical weed control methods for higher weed control efficiency and better performance of aerobic rice 2014
- Combining high grain number and weight through a DH-population to improve grain yield potential of wheat in high-yielding environments 2013
- Grain yield potential strategies in an elite wheat double-haploid population grown in contrasting environments. Crop Science. 2013
- Carpel weight, grain length and stabilized grain water content are physiological drivers of grain weight determination of wheat 2011