selected publications
- Durum Wheat at Risk in a Climate Change Scenario: The Carotenoid Content is Affected by Short Heat Waves 2024
- Lutein esterification increases carotenoid retention in durum wheat grain. A step further in breeding and improving the commercial and nutritional quality during grain storage. Food Chemistry. 2024
- Prospects for tritordeum (×Tritordeum martinii A. Pujadas, Nothosp. Nov.) cereal breeding: Key points for future challenges. Plant Breeding. 2024
- Bread Wheat Biofortification for Grain Carotenoid Content by Inter-Specific Breeding. Foods. 2023
- Towards carotenoid biofortification in wheat: identification of XAT-7A1, a multicopy tandem gene responsible for carotenoid esterification in durum wheat. BMC Plant Biology. 2023
- Marker-Trait Associations for Total Carotenoid Content and Individual Carotenoids in Durum Wheat Identified by Genome-Wide Association Analysis. Plants. 2022
- The breeder's tool-box for enhancing the content of esterified carotenoids in wheat: From extraction and profiling of carotenoids to marker-assisted selection of candidate genes 2022
- Durum wheat (Triticum durum l.) landraces reveal potential for the improvement of grain carotenoid esterification in breeding programs. Foods. 2021
- Genome-Wide Association Analysis for Stem Cross Section Properties, Height and Heading Date in a Collection of Spanish Durum Wheat Landraces. Plants. 2021
- Tritordeum: Creating a New Crop Species—The Successful Use of Plant Genetic Resources. Plants. 2021
- Mediation of a GDSL Esterase/Lipase in Carotenoid Esterification in Tritordeum Suggests a Common Mechanism of Carotenoid Esterification in Triticeae Species 2020
- Transcriptomics, chromosome engineering and mapping identify a restorer-of-fertility region in the CMS wheat system msH1. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2020
- Transcriptomics, chromosome engineering and mapping identify a restorer-of-fertility region in the CMS wheat system msH1.. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 133:283-295. 2020
- Diversification of seed carotenoid content and profile in wild barley (Hordeum chilense Roem. et Schultz.) and Hordeum vulgare L.–H. chilense synteny as revealed by DArTSeq markers. Euphytica. 2019
- A cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system in durum wheat. Molecular Breeding. 38:1-9. 2018
- A cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) system in durum wheat. Molecular Breeding. 2018
- Hordeum chilense minichromosomes in wheat 2017
- Physiological, biochemical and molecular characterization of an induced mutation conferring imidazolinone resistance in wheat.. Physiologia Plantarum. 158:2-10. 2016
- Physiological, biochemical and molecular characterization of an induced mutation conferring imidazolinone resistance in wheat. Physiologia Plantarum. 2016
- Contribution of Chromosomes 1HchS and 6HchS to Fertility Restoration in the Wheat msH1 CMS System under Different Environmental Conditions. PLOS ONE. 2015
- Genetic analysis of the response to eleven Colletotrichum lindemuthianum races in a RIL population of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). BMC Plant Biology. 2014
- Increase in transcript accumulation of Psy1 and e-Lcy genes in grain development is associated with differences in seed carotenoid content between durum wheat and tritordeum. Plant Molecular Biology. 2014
- Polyphenol oxidase genes in Hordeum chilense and implications in tritordeum breeding. Molecular Breeding. 2014
- Development of wild barley (Hordeum chilense)-derived DArT markers and their use into genetic and physical mapping. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2012
- Hordeum chilense genome, a useful tool to investigate the endosperm yellow pigment content in the Triticeae. BMC Plant Biology. 2012
- Introgression and pyramiding into common bean market class fabada of genes conferring resistance to anthracnose and potyvirus. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2012
- Allelic variation, alternative splicing and expression analysis of Psy1 gene in Hordeum chilense Roem. et Schult. PLOS ONE. 2011
- Applicability of chromosome-specific SSR wheat markers for the introgression of Triticum urartu in durum wheat breeding programmes 2011
- Applicability of chromosome-specific SSR wheat markers for the introgression of Triticum urartu in durum wheat breeding programmes. Plant Genetic Resources. 2011
- Exploitation of nuclear and cytoplasm variability in Hordeum chilense for wheat breeding 2011
- Exploitation of nuclear and cytoplasm variability in Hordeum chilense for wheat breeding. Plant Genetic Resources. 2011
- Mapping of QTLs for morpho-agronomic and seed quality traits in a RIL population of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2010
- Progress and perspectives for carotenoid accumulation in selected Triticeae species. Crop & Pasture Science. 2010
- Selection and molecular characterization of imidazolinone resistant mutation-derived lines of Tritordeum HT621. Molecular Breeding. 2009
- Molecular mapping and intra-cluster recombination between anthracnose race-specific resistance genes in the common bean differential cultivars Mexico 222 and Widusa. TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2008
- Molecular markers linked to the fin gene controlling determinate growth habit in common bean. Euphytica. 2008
- A genetic linkage map of Phaseolus vulgaris L. and localization of genes for specific resistance to six races of anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum). TAG. Theoretical and applied genetics. Theoretische und angewandte Genetik. 2007
- Development of SCAR markers linked to a gene controlling absence of tannins in faba bean. Molecular Breeding. 2007
- Markers linked to the bc-3 gene conditioning resistance to bean common mosaic potyviruses in common bean. Euphytica. 2005
- Molecular markers and allelic relationships of anthracnose resistance gene cluster B4 in common bean. Euphytica. 2005
- Carotenoid esterification as a strategy to increase carotenoid retention during storage of durum wheat grains. 3rd International Wheat Congress. 2024
- Identification of XAT-7A1, a multicopy tándem gene responsable for carotenoid esterification in durum wheat.. 3rd International Wheat Congress.. 2024
- Impact of heat stress on carotenoid content in durum wheat. Iii Reunión Nacional y I Reunión Hispano-Lusa Sobre Carotenoides. 2024
- Impact of post-anthesis short heat waves on quality traits in durum wheat.. 3rd International Wheat Congress. 2024
- Inter-specific breeding programmes for increasing carotenoid content in wheat.. 3rd International Wheat Congress. 2024
- Strategies and tools offering new opportunities for carotenoid biofortification in triticeae species. Iii Reunión Nacional y I Reunión Hispano-Lusa Sobre Carotenoides. 2024
- Biofortification for carotenoid content in bread wheat by inter-specific breeding.. Fifth Symposium On Cereal Physiology and Breeding.. 2023
- Diversity for carotenoid content in hexaploid wheat diversity panel. International Conference Cerealmed. 2023
- Genome-wide association analysis for carotenoid content in durum wheat. Fifth Symposium On Cereal Physiology and Breeding. 2023
- Hexaploid wheat diversity for carotenoid biofortification.. Fifth Symposium On Cereal Physiology and Breeding.. 2023
- Biofortificación de carotenoides en trigo duro utilizando xantofilas esterificadas. Congreso Nacional de Mejora Genética de Plantas. 2022
- Carotenoid biofortification of durum wheat through inter-specific breeding. From Seed To Pasta Iv. 2022
- Desarrollo de nuevos genotipos de tritórdeo aptos para el cultivo. Congreso Nacional de Mejora Genética de Plantas. 2022
- Identification of new set of genotypes of tritordeum for cultivation. 2nd International Wheat Congress. 2022
- Improvement of tritordeum, the durum wheat x wild barley amphiploid. From Seed To Pasta Iv. 2022
- Introgression of XAT-7Hch into durum wheat. 2nd International Wheat Congress. 2022
- Análisis GWAS de la diversidad para caracteres morfo-fenológicos en trigo duro. Xvi Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas. 2021
- Durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.) landraces reveal potential for the biofortification of carotenoid esters in grain.. 6th Conference of Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding. 2021
- Mediation of a GDSL esterase/lipase in carotenoid esterification in tritordeum suggests a common mechanism of carotenoid esterification in Triticeae. Ix Congreso Científico de Investigadores En Formación de la Universidad de Córdoba: Nuevos Desafíos, Nuevas Oportunidades. 2021
- Variedades locales de trigo duro revelan potencial para la biofortificación de carotenoides en grano. Xvi Congreso Nacional de Ciencias Hortícolas. 2021
- Mediation of a GDSL esterase/lipase in carotenoid esterification in tritordeum suggests a common mechanism of carotenoid esterification in cereals. Iii Spanish Symposium On Physiology and Breeding of Cereals. 2020
- Exploring synteny relationships of Hordeum chilense genome for tritordeum breeding. I Simposio Español de Fisiología y Mejora de Cereales. 2018
- Development of DArTseq markers in Hordeum chilense for genetic studies. 8th International Triticeae Symposium. 2017
- Hordeum chilense minichromosomes in wheat. 8th International Triticeae Symposium. 2017
- El mayor contenido en carotenoides en grano de tritórdeo respecto a trigo duro está asociado con la inducción de Psy1 y e-Lcy durante el desarrollo del grano. Vii Congreso de Mejora Genética. 2014
- Cloning and characterization of the gene Psy1 in Hordeum chilense. Eucarpia Cereals Section Meeting (european Association For Research On Plant Breeding). 2010
- Potential of nuclear and cytoplasm variability in Hordeum chilense for wheat breeding.. 2nd International Symposium On Genomics of Plant Genetic Resources. 2010
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